A corporate wellness program can offer a wide array of benefits to your employees. When you offer health insurance in Vero Beach, the wellness program may have the ability to lower premiums once your employees improve their overall level of health. There are five things you should consider offering inside your program.


Various self-help programs are available so you can help employees with the various health problems they are having. The materials can be in the form of DVDs, booklets, interactive videos, as well as access to various subscription-based websites. Examples of self-help programs include for weight loss, tobacco cessation, as well stress management.


A health coach could be added to your organization. A coach is going to be someone who has a degree in health management. They may be able to guide employees on proper nutrition, determining a good exercise program, and helping to change various other behaviors. Having a coach that employees can visit can be a great thing as people can get one-on-one help.


Some people need advice when they are at home. It may be a question about what kind of medication they need to take when they are sick or are suffering from allergies. It could also be a first aid question. Either way, it can get employees the help they need without having to go to a doctor. The advice they receive could also reduce sick time.


An e-health portal can provide information to employees about their target weight, provide articles, suggest healthy recipes, and more. While an e-health portal is a good idea, it shouldn’t be the only thing you include in your corporate wellness program because not everyone is going to feel comfortable accessing this information online.


Employees are always encouraged through incentives. These can help people to participate in wellness activities and change lifestyles. Rewards can come in the form of gift cards, water bottles, t-shirts, and more. You can reward based upon when they attend a health fair, access an e-health portal, and complete an HRA.


A corporate wellness program in Vero Beach can include as much or as little as you want. The main thing to focus on is that you want to make sure it meets the needs of your employees – and this can involve doing some research. Ask employees to complete a survey so you can determine the high risk and low risk employees and where they need assistance. Health care professionals can then help you to establish goals.

At Moran Insurance, we offer corporate wellness programs as part of our group benefits. This way, when you offer health insurance and other forms of insurance to your employees, you can also show how you are going to help them achieve all of their health goals so they can become healthier.