When you decide to shop for boat and watercraft insurance in Ponte Vedra Beach, it is important to know what to look for. There are all sorts of variations within policies. In order to get one that is going to provide you with the desired level of financial protection, you want to explore the coverage options and compare rates between the many companies.


Before you purchase any kind of boat and watercraft insurance in Ponte Vedra Beach, it is important to look at the type of watercraft that you have. What is offered for a boat may be very different than what is offered for a jet ski or other recreational vehicle design for the water. As such, some insurance companies may not provide insurance coverage for what you have. This is why you need to be specific with what exactly you are trying to ensure.


The level of coverage can vary significantly when you are obtaining boat and watercraft insurance in Ponte Vedra Beach. You want to make sure that you are covered against boating accidents, liability for injuries, as well as theft.

Remember that you can treat your boat just like you can your car. This means that just about every coverage that you have for your car can be obtained for your boat. Take the time to explore the various levels of coverage that are available, including:

  • Boating accidents
  • Damage to boat when not on water (dry dock)
  • Liability for property damage
  • Liability for injuries
  • Theft

The more your boat is worth, the more important it is to have sufficient coverage. The last thing you want is for your boat to be involved in some kind of accident and learned that you don’t have enough coverage. You want to pay out-of-pocket as little as possible and therefore can be well worth it to spend a little bit extra on monthly premiums to enjoy peace of mind.


Every insurance company is going to vary in terms of how they handle Ponte Vedra Beach boat and watercraft insurance. Some may offer more types of coverage than others. Some companies may also offer more than just this type of insurance, which means you may benefit by bundling all of your policies under one company.

It’s a good idea to obtain quotes from all of the different companies so that you can make some comparisons. Work with an independent insurance agent though you can get their experience with it all as well. They can guide you through the process and help you to determine what kind of coverage you need and ensure that you get a competitive quote from an insurance company who will write a policy for you in Florida.