Your home is likely to be the biggest investment you ever make. For this reason, you should keep it protected with a high quality, comprehensive insurance policy.

It doesn't matter if you are shopping for a policy for a new home or looking to make a change, some details take precedence over others.

If you focus on the “three C’s” of buying home insurance, you will find yourself on the right track:

1. Cost. Like most, you don’t want to overpay for home insurance. To protect against this, Shop Around before making a final decision. This will ensure that you are happy with the price you pay every month.

2. Coverage. It may be important to save money, but you never want to overlook the coverage you are receiving in return for your monthly premium. Ask yourself all the most important questions, while also relying on the expertise of your agent. You don’t want to opt for less coverage than you need. At the same time, what is the point of overpaying?

3. Customer service. You are spending a lot of money on home insurance, so you deserve to be treated like a valuable customer. Rather than take a risk, spend a few minutes on the phone with every agent you are considering. Which one provided the highest level of service? An agent who helps you now is an agent who will help you later. If you keep these three points in mind when shopping for home insurance, nothing will stop you from making an informed and confident decision.