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Every year around this time, people from one side of the state to the next hope to receive a tax refund. Some people have a plan for this money, while others don’t know what they will do with the unexpected funds.

If a Florida tax refund is coming your way in the near future, here are three of the best ways to use the money:

  1. Pay down debt. Do you have credit card debt? What about student loans? How about a personal loan? It doesn’t matter what type of debt you are facing, it is best to get rid of it sooner rather than later. With a tax refund, you may be able to “kill off” your entire balance. How would that make you feel?
  2. Add it to your emergency fund. You can never have too much money in your emergency fund. Even if you think you have enough, adding more can’t hurt anything. You will be glad you did this the next time you face a large medical bill, an unexpected home repair, or some other type of emergency.
  3. Invest in yourself. Are you interested in starting a business? Do you have the desire to go back to school? There are many ways to invest in yourself and your future earning potential. Use your tax refund to get on the right track.

The thought of blowing through your tax refund is sure to go through your mind. It would be fun to purchase a big screen television. It would be just as exciting to take a vacation. But remember, you have other options. The three ideas above are well worth your consideration.