Regardless of your financial situation, you should always have one eye on your car insurance premium. Are you overpaying for coverage? Are you getting a deal you are happy with?

There are many ways to save on car insurance, such as by lowering your coverage limits. However, the best idea is simple to understand: take advantage of as many discounts as possible. A discount has nothing to do with your coverage. It doesn’t matter if you have state minimum coverage or the “best of the best,” a discount can help you save.

Here are a few of the most common discounts, all of which you should discuss with your agent:

Multi-policy discount.

Do you have more than one type of policy with the same insurance company? For example, your car insurance and home insurance provider may be the same. In this case, you should qualify for a multi-policy discount, which could save you up to 20 percent.

Good student discount.

As you know, car insurance for teens and younger drivers, such as those in their low 20’s, can be higher than that for older, more experienced drivers. Some companies offer a good student discount for those who maintain a certain GPA.

Good driving discount.

When was the last time you were involved in an accident? When was the last time you received a moving violation? If it has been at least three years since your last at-fault accident or moving violation, there is a good chance you will qualify for this discount.

Organization or institution discount.

Do you belong to an organization, such as one for your career? Did you graduate from college? Some auto insurance companies offer a discount if you can prove membership in a participating organization or graduation from a participating institution of higher education. Talk about a simple way to keep cash in your pocket.

What Now?

Don’t wait any longer to review your policy and make note of the discounts you are receiving. If you don’t understand your policy discounts or have questions about why you don’t qualify for more, reach out to your agent. You may be surprised to find that there are additional discounts available. Sometimes, all you have to do is ask.