In a recent interview with, Kirsten Moran and Laurin Agnew of Moran Insurance, offer several insights into the Florida home insurance marketplace. Floridians are seeking affordable insurance policies in the Sunshine State and need to understand what they can to find better a better deal. Please check out some of the excerpts from the article below.

We were able to catch up with a Florida home insurance specialist at Moran Insurance,, who offered many insights to the current marketplace.

“There are affordable policies throughout Florida, but homeowners need to know what to look for,” comments insurance agent Kirsten Moran who is based out of Ponte Vedra Beach, Fl. “Policy comparisons are critical and homeowners need to determine how much coverage they need.”

“Homeowners need to take the time to stop and work with an insurance agent. This will allow them to learn about the options and obtain multiple rate quotes so they can do comparisons. I have seen too many homeowners jump at the first policy they are given and that can lead to them paying hundreds of dollars a year more than what is necessary,” states Laurin Agnew, of Moran Insurance.

From Jacksonville down to Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida homeowners have something else to worry about when obtaining homeowner’s insurance. FEMA has re-established flood zones lining the Atlantic coast. In some areas where flooding has been a considerable problem, homeowners are faced with premiums that exceed $3,000 a year. Many homeowners are struggling with the premiums and are now looking at selling their homes to become renters as a way of avoiding the costs.

Read the entire article here: