You may think that your Florida homeowners insurance will cover you completely, but don’t be so sure about it yet. Your home owner’s insurance policy may not be able to save you from the damage caused. Insurance companies have increased the deductibles and cut down on the coverage.

The amount of coverage now varies among different insurance carriers; you will not be able to figure this out if you do not thoroughly research before purchasing a policy. Premiums are increasing over time and coverage seems to be scaled down quietly by the insurers.


Consult other experts other than the Insurers Ensure that your insurance policy has a replacement policy included which would replace your home if there was a loss and totally cover the costs. Make sure you get the opinion of another expert like a constructor to ask about the total amount you would need to reconstruct your house. Natural disasters increase the rates of replacement costs.

Check your content coverage Replacement policies would not necessarily cover everything, for instance a kitchen remodeling or bedroom remodeling may not be covered in your policy. It is better that you check the number of things your policy covers beforehand. If you install a pool in your backyard, you would need to increase your homeowner insurance policy.

Protect your valuables Your coverage policy has limits on certain possessions like jewelry, watches, designer clothing and silverware. If you have items that cost more than the coverage, then you need to think about buying a separate policy for them. Make sure you have a floater policy for items that can go missing anywhere and not just from your homes.

Separate Flood Insurance Policies People who live in a flood prone area would be required to buy a separate policy for flood insurance the normal homeowner insurance policy would not cover it.