There is nothing fun about filing a car insurance claim. This means one thing: something has gone wrong.

Maybe you were involved in an accident with another vehicle. Maybe your car was vandalized or damaged by Mother Nature.

It doesn’t matter why you are filing a car insurance claim. What matters is that you do so in the appropriate manner.

Here are five basic steps that will point you in the right direction:

  • Contact your agent sooner rather than later.
  • Meet with your claims professional for more information on what comes next.
  • Evaluation of your vehicle and claim.
  • Resolution of the case. This is when you will receive any payment, as agreed upon with your insurance company.
  • Case closed.

While this sounds simple enough, you may run into some trouble along the way. For example, your insurance agent may not agree with the information you have provided. Or worse yet, they may deny your claim altogether.

Note: you have the right to file a claim and receive compensation, as long as it fits into the terms and conditions of your contract. Don’t shy away from contacting your agent because you are unsure of what the outcome will be. This person is available to assist you.

When everything is said and done, you will either be happy with the end result or disappointed in the way things played out. If you have any disappointment, it may be time to make a change. Remember, your insurance agent and company is not the only game in town. You may find another company that suits your better in regards to cost, coverage, and customer service. Has the time come to Shop Around?