If you live in the state of Florida, you are well aware that car insurance premiums in the Sunshine State are more expensive than many others.

In fact, Insure.com ranked Florida number 10 on its 2014 edition of car insurance rates by state. With an average premium of $1,840, residents are always looking for a way to save a few dollars here and there.

Some people are under the impression their premium can only rise if they are involved in an accident in which they were the responsible party. While this is sure to bump your premium, here are some other situations you want to avoid at all costs:

1. DUI conviction. If you are convicted of driving under the influence of alcohol, you can expect your car insurance premium to go through the roof. In fact, you may find that your insurance company is no longer willing to insure you.

This, along with many other reasons, such as the potential for causing an accident, should be more than enough to scare you away from drinking and driving.

2. Moving violation. Were you pulled over for speeding? What about running a red light or stop sign? How about some other form of reckless driving? If your car insurance company gets wind that you aren’t driving in a safe and responsible manner, they have no choice but to increase your premium. This proves you are a “higher” risk than you were before, which means your insurer has to protect itself by charging more.

3. Avoid the city. It is true that city residents typically pay more for coverage than rural residents. The reason for this is simple: there is more traffic and more theft. For this reason, the chance of being involved in an accident or your vehicle being stolen is higher.

If your premium has increased for any reason, including one or more of those detailed above, it is essential to review your policy as well as your other options.

By shopping around and comparing insurance providers, you may find that one company is willing to offer you a lower premium than the rest. As long as all else is equal in terms of coverage, you may have found the provider that is best for you moving forward.