Individual health insurance needs to be a consideration. Even if you are offered insurance by an employer, it may still be beneficial for you to look at what you can get on your own.

Individual health insurance in Ponte Vedra Beach allows you to take a more custom approach to your health care. For example, what you get as a group benefit from your employer may be limited to one specific company. Further, you may only have the option between one or two different types of policies. You may also not have the coverage where you need it for dental and vision, either.

By taking the time to find out what may be available to you on your own, you can control the level of health care that you received as well as what your monthly expenditures on health insurance are.


There are big differences between HMO, PPO, and HSA. You don’t want to be forced into one plan over another simply because that is what an employer is offering. For example, if you want the freedom to be able to go wherever you want in order to get healthcare, you may not want an HMO. Further, you may not want to deal with paying out-of-pocket for a co-pay each time you go to the doctor.

By choosing individual health insurance policy, you have the ability to explore more options. Many companies write policies in Florida, and each company has a variety of different options that are available to you. An independent insurance agent will help you to explore these in-depth so that you can make a more educated decision about the kind of coverage that you will have for you and your family.


Your budget isn’t something that someone else should control. Although there are group plans available in order to save you money, they aren’t always as cost-effective as you think they are going to be. The only way to know for sure is to explore individual health insurance as well. You can obtain quotes at no obligation so that you can look at the costs and determine if they fit within your budget better.


What you are offered through an employer may be limited. For example, you may be able to obtain health insurance, not vision or dental. While there may be some allowances within the policy, it isn’t going to cover for everything that you would need – such as glasses, contacts, cataract surgery, braces, or anything else.

As you don’t want to be without this coverage, it may be beneficial to obtain individual health insurance that provides you not only with medical, but also everything else that you need. Often, it’s going to be cheaper to purchase all insurance from one company as opposed to getting some from one and the rest from another.

In the end, you can make comparisons to see whether individual health insurance in Ponte Vedra Beach works better for the needs of you and your family.